Monday, September 9, 2013

Week of 9/2-9/6. "C" is for Colors

Anyone who has been around a preschool child knows the importance of a schedule.  Little R is in the routine now of sitting down at the table when she is "ready for my learning".  We include fingerplays, songs, and books into our day.  Don't be a slave to a schedule we all know stuff happens...and sometimes the child just wants to snuggle :)

I try to have song we do everyday because let's face it like she has simply stated every princess sings. I found a great deal on large tablet paper from Walmart on clearance!  I WISH I would have bought more than one though...

Mornings are devoted to our learning.  Lunch is 11-1130.  A little tv, nap at 1230.  Little R waked usually 245 just in time to pick up her brother by 320.

Routines help you and the child!  It may be difficult to start but the pay off is some quiet time you know to fold laundry and start dinner ;)

I have also started including Fall projects.

Color Mixing- Science
Rainbow-Fine Motor and Art
Letter C- Language and Literature
Pom Pom Matching-Math

Things you need to stock up on:
Ice cube trays-Great for sorting and counting
Paper Plates
Clothespins-Counting, fine motor skills
Craft sticks-Mixing, Matching, Crafts

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